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Elon Musk Announces $1 Million Dollar Reward for Finding Botnet Culprit - Trading Partner (Stock Market & Finance) Elon Musk Announces $1 Million Dollar Reward for Finding Botnet Culprit

Elon Musk Announces $1 Million Dollar Reward for Finding Botnet Culprit

Kapil Malhotra
Elon Musk is in the news again, Elon Musk announces $1 million dollar reward for finding Twitter 'botnet' perpetrators. Alon musk who is often in headlines and this time the reason is the announcement of reward for finding out the source of botnet on twitter.

Elon Musk

Alon musk has often been talking about Twitter's problems. Alon musk has introduced extensive changes in Twitter's verification programme. He has claimed that these changes will solve Twitter's bot problem.

What are Botnets?

These are the group of computers that are infected with malware and continuously controlled through only one. When botnets take over multiple accounts, they largely reduce the reach of many accounts through unfollows, blocks, and reports.

"Who is behind these botnets? Millon dollar bounty if convicted," Elon Musk wrote on Twitter,
When Steven Tey shows how Twitter Blue users get promoted on the platform in a code analysis thread.

In the same thread, they explained how algorithms can often create "negative feedback loops". Due to this user's reputation is affected based on reports of abuse and spam. Also, the account can be muted or blocked.

A user suggested to Elon Musk that the reputation score should be based on mutiny, blocking, and reporting coming from verified accounts.

In addition, the release of Twitter's open-source code has provided some useful insights. Jane Wong talks about how Twitter's algorithms specifically label Elon Musk's tweets. Additionally, the algorithm labels the accounts of celebrities such as Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, Barack Obama, and Katy Perry as "test accounts".


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